Throughout The Help, complex characters feature in the novel. To illustrate the literary strategy that is employed in The Help, write a complete analysis of one particular character. This essay should concentrate only on one person. The focus should be on your character Mae Mobley and what she can do to improve her quality of life. Analyzing her words and actions across different chapters allows you to expand your analysis. Make a brief summary of your findings.

Mae Mobley

In Mae Mobley’s Help essay it will be revealed the ways Aibileen Clark, a black woman working at an employer of white women and teaches a young girl about equality and self-worth. Aibileen has stories she shares with Mae throughout the book that encourage her belief that she has rights as a woman and self-worth, even though she isn’t in the society’s image of beauty.

Mae Mobley is an African-American child who grew up in a predominantly white area. Aibileen one of her white friends who taught her how to wash her hands, it was an amazing delight for Miss Leefolt. was scared of Mae because of her African descent. Mae learned to appreciate and be respectful of all regardless of differing skin tones.

It’s clear why the book is so beloved. Mothers’ support and love is vital in raising a child. The characters in the novel play the role of mothers, such as Aibileen as well as Mrs. Leefolt. Aibileen has a love affair with Mae Mobley but her relationship with her mother hasn’t always been pleasant. In spite of her efforts to protect her daughter from dangers and danger, Mrs. Leefolt’s abuse and neglect can make it difficult for her to accept her daughter’s love.

In The Help, Mae Mobley has two years of age. She lives with her parents Raleigh and Elizabeth Leefolt, as well as an older brother who is named Raleigh. There are some issues with her life and her ideal of a little girl who is not a good fit in with the rest of society. The novel examines the situation through the eyes of Mae. In addition, you’ll discover that the author’s use colors, humor, and irony , makes her narrative to be more memorable.

Help essay is a chance to reflect on your childhood. Parents should be first in their care. They are the ones who guide their children and teach them morals. In the essay of Mae Mobley on help, you’ll discover how Mae Mobley’s parents failed to provide guidance and teach her ethics. The child doesn’t receive guidance or moral support from them. This could be a contributing factor to her development issues.

Miss Hilly

Miss Hilly’s help is an example of a Southern novel. This article will examine what it means for the Civil War. Hilly is a faithful wife and mother to her two children, is portrayed as a dehumanized black woman. Their attitude towards black people ultimately affects Minny’s financial stability She also makes use of her influence in the white population to sentence her servant to prison to be convicted of stealing.

“Miss Hilly’s Help” portrays the racial tensions of the 1960s, and one factor that makes it very popular is the way it is a distorted representation of race relations. Through reducing the racial discrimination to one antagonist The novel allows readers to trade historical truths in favor of a completely fictionalized story. Although the historical facts are not completely exact, readers will able to relate to Hilly Holbrook’s portrayal of racial inequities in his novel.

Miss Hilly’s help focuses on the problems that african-American women face. While Hilly may claim to be charitable through the Junior League fundraising, she is an opportunist with a razor-sharp edge that manipulates Elizabeth’s every action. Her threats of retribution are heightened if denied her wish. The plot centers around Hilly’s desire to become a socialite and her attempts to conform to society.

Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter’s mom, Charlotte Phelan, is an older-fashioned Southern woman trying to get her daughter to be a woman according to the gender stereotypes. Yule May, her maid, takes the ring off of Miss Hilly to pay college tuition for her twins. Hilly as well, hopes to make life easier for her daughters.

Minny is brave, strong and extremely loyal. The way she reacted in response to the essay written by Miss Hilly indicates that she’s. If she’s at the right spot the help essay of Miss Hilly will show how she can beat these obstacles. The essay will show why this novel is so important and why readers should read it. Be sure to remember the other parts of the novel.

Miss Leefolt

In “Miss Leefolt’s Assistance,” Kathryn Stockett examines racism through the lens of one of the black women. In 1962, Jackson, Mississippi, Mae Mobley is the daughter of a white woman called Miss Leefolt. Mae’s maid of color, Mae is treated in a snide manner by the white communities. This essay explores the relationship between Mae and Miss Leefolt and the racist views that come of her presence.

Mrs. Walters hires Aibileen as the black servant to assist Baby Mae Mobley. Celia has a son who is named Treelore Clark, who died in the workplace. He had an idea for writing a book on his experience being employed by a white company. The moment Skeeter sees it as a possibility, he agrees to utilize the book idea for. Minny is glad to work with such an offer.

Stockett makes use of fashion in order in order to make her characters more human. In particular, the servants have cheap clothing, while the white females always dress in costly clothing. Elizabeth Leefolt realizes her appearance will be what others see so she wears high-end clothing. Her desire is for people to understand that she creates her own clothes. The author is, of course, concerned about the cultural appropriation of that movement, the viewers find comfort by watching a satirical portrayal during the 1960s.

Mae Mobley Leefolt was a toddler. Her mother is her daughter. As such, she is in a position to look after her daughter. Aibileen, her maid, is extremely tender to her. At first, she seems to be averse the idea of a book. As the story progresses, she begins to warm up to the new responsibilities.

While the book has numerous dramatizing aspects, the story of Miss Leefolt does not come without criticisms. The book overlooks the terror of the White Citizens Council. The film is a strong representation of America’s Civil Rights movement. The film isn’t perfect, like any other story. The Help essay is well worth the read.


The Help is a trilogy about the lives of three women: AIBILEEN (MINNY), SKEETER, and MINNY. Each of the characters is faced with various forms of sexism ranging such as being made to marry to being an outspoken, noisy person. Minny’s tough exterior makes her stand out, even though she is the primary focus of comedy. Minny is frequently portrayed as an excellent cook and dedicated housekeeper. Yet she’s fighting for her rights, and challenge the expectations of society’s unassuming Black woman.

Hilly Holbrook Hilly Holbrook makes Minny appear to be a simple prey for white women. Hilly is unaware of what Minny is eating since she’s not familiar with Minny’s. Yet, Hilly doesn’t know Minny neither, so why would be able to notice Minny? That’s one of the most intriguing aspects in The Help essay by Minny. You will be able to admire her personality and her courage in confronting inequity and discrimination by going through this piece.

Minny is a strong woman from Sugar Ditch and constantly refers to the “Terrible Awful” that she committed to Hilly. Celia Foote employs Minny as her maid within Sugar Ditch. Celia requests her to cook Chocolate Pie. Celia is scared of Minny but she will do to do her best to aid. They form a special bond.

The essay on help by Minny illustrates the power of education, and the need to make sure that women are happy. Regardless of race or ethnicity individuals require a secure environment to grow. The novel will encourage people to look at the issue of racism and discrimination. The novel is an authentic depiction of South life. It also shows that you can’t have it all.

Birth control pills were first suggested for women who were married in 1989. This medication was not accessible for women in need and was accompanied by religion-based objections, however it helped make lives of numerous women much easier. While The Help does not mention the pill for birth control, it may have changed Minny’s circumstances. It also focuses on the importance of women’s rights as human beings. The Help, despite being fictionalized historical fiction, is an important novel about the importance of gender equality.

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